7 Ways To Market A Self-Published Book – Plus a couple extras
7 Ways To Market A Self-Published Book Have it ever crossed your mind how to promote a book? Writers and novelists spend months or even years to finish a masterpiece. It takes time to research, write, edit, and then rewrite a
The Top 8 Myths You Need to Shatter To Become A Published Author
One of the greatest feelings on earth one can experience is to join the ranks of published authors. Once your book is published you join the ranks of the immortals. You begin to rub shoulders with legends like Homer, Chinua
Different Ways to Self-Publish a Book and Tips To Get Started
So you have written a book, and are ready to publish it! But the first hurdle for any aspiring author is to get past the publishing barriers and get your book out in the world. In the traditional system, an
Self-Publishing on Kindle
These days, "theres" easier ways to showcase your writing prowess. One superb method is by self-publishing e-books on Kindle. With the Internet in your hands, there is no reason to sit back and just waiting get noticed. You can kick-start