Dreams And How To Calm The Monkey
There is still quite a bit of research needed on dreaming but we know they occur during REM sleep. REM sleep is when you are in a deep state of unconsciousness. It is believed that muscular atonia comes with REM
Positive Conditioning – Daily Affirmations
As opposed to searching out reinforcement from different people, I search for positive reinforcement from within by means of surrounding myself with steady, everyday reminders. In a way, it sounds atypical or perhaps even silly that I tell myself ‘keep going!’
Sleeping Pills and What They Really Do
Sleeping pills may cause more harm than good. Some common side effects of sleeping are: • Burning or Tingling In the Hands, Arms, Feet, or Legs • Changes in Appetite • Constipation • Diarrhea • Difficulty Keeping Balance • Dizziness • Daytime Drowsiness • Dry Mouth or Throat, and Many Others… For that reason, it’s important that