How to Unleash Your Unlimited Brain Power With Mental Note Taking
While the human brain is very easy to forget, it's actually hugely more efficient than any computer arrangement. True, beings may use computers to help compensate for mental intervals; but, always remember that the computer is just a tool. This
I Need to Edit My Novel! – Also Tools for Storytelling…
Hello! If you're reading such articles, congratulations! You've done something superb and evoking. You've taken a cast of characters, an curious adjust, a cogent plot and a few quirks and deviates and you've written a novel. Many people dream of writing
10 Tips How to Get Your Butt Into the Chair to Write
Many novelists have a difficult time to start writing. Some novelists experience undisciplined to start writing when they plan to write while others simply cannot stay put and get distracted easily. The important thing to remember for columnists is that you
7 Ways To Create Powerful Fictional Characters
Sustenance of temperament captivate the book more than any other single concept in a artistic myth. How do you hold a personality? You create a dynamic actuality your reader can step into and absorb. Are "youre ready"? Identify Your Character .
Book Review: Les Miserables
I enjoy a good read and an understanding of a good review is often helpful as well
4 Unique Ways to Market Your Children’s Book
I am doing some research about how to best market and sell children's books and thought I would share some of the thing that I have found helpful. Many of the authors have written and self-published a diary for children and/
The Importance of Following-Through for Optimal Success As a Writer
One of the hardest acts that novelists must do is to following through. To follow-through is to take stock of your writing purposes and to assess your the developments on those goals each week. This process is no requirement take
Self-Publishing on Kindle
These days, "theres" easier ways to showcase your writing prowess. One superb method is by self-publishing e-books on Kindle. With the Internet in your hands, there is no reason to sit back and just waiting get noticed. You can kick-start