Write Everything Down
What do you write down? For many of us, writing consists of emails, venture lists, and perhaps the ordinary works undertaking. However, making time to put certain things in writing, which includes our daily reviews, our desires, and our intellectual junk can change the way we live our lives.
Here are six unique methods that show how writing things down can transform your existence, and what you can do to get the most out of each.
- It clears your thoughts for higher-level thinking.
You can clean your mind by means of writing matters down in different ways.
David Allen, productiveness speaker and writer, recommends doing what he calls a “core dump”. This entails writing down every mission, interest, and project you need to address. This may vary from picking up milk on the way home, to a multi-person assignment at work. Writing down every “to-do” item you can think of clears space in your head for extra-critical subjects.
You can also use a technique called “morning pages”, which was first pioneered by Julia Cameron, creator of The Artist’s manner. The morning pages exercise entails completing 3 pages (around 750 words) of flow-of-consciousness writing. Through doing this task each morning, you clear your head in preparation for the day to achieve your maximum critical thinking capacity.
- It facilitates processing your emotions.
Writing down what’s in our thoughts is an awesome way to work through internal conflict or strong emotions around a specific subject. It’s just like talking through a situation with a friend, except it’s a useful manner of strengthening your self-soothing abilities and enhancing your self-knowledge.
- It offers you a record for the future.
If you maintain a journal and regularly write down your thoughts and emotions, you’ll soon have a file of your thoughts which you may otherwise have forgotten.
Reading back through this file is not simply charming—it also presents a valuable insight into your thought process and emotional lifestyle. You can appreciate moments that you’ve probably forgotten and grow your levels of gratitude.
Maintaining a journal can also increase your levels of self-trust. When you may look again and see how efficiently you’ve traversed and treated critical choices and complicated situations in the future, you’ll be more assured of your potential to accomplish future aspirations.
- You benefit from experience of success.
Writing matters down can foster a sense of achievement and progress, increasing our opportunities and growing our productiveness.
If we journal, it’s incredibly fulfilling to fill one or more journals with our thoughts and emotions. Many people harbor desires of writing a book, but recoil at the idea of how long it takes. When you finish a journal, you’ll comprehend that you have written a book. This opens up a brand new feel of possibilities, now not simply in writing but in different areas of our lives, too.
Similarly, if we write down everything we want to do in a specific day or week, we benefit from a further sensation of pride when, having completed the venture, we are able to strike the task off our list. Feeling productive enhances our productivity, creating a virtuous cycle.
- It facilitates your observation skills.
Writing things down offers you space to think big and purposefully. Irrespective of what’s occurring in our outside world, while we write things down, we enter a sphere of opportunity.
Doing this facilitates us to live with inspiration, and it reduces the danger that we fall prey to self-limiting beliefs. (Although we if do, we will persevere in writing things down to understand our feelings!)
When we write things down, we have a reason to explore dreams and pursuits that we may not experience and things that are not revealed to other people. We even have space to fine-tune all our ideas and goals so we can go back to them later.
- It makes you more dedicated.
In addition to presenting a space for exploring possibilities, writing our goals and pursuits down makes it much more likely that we’ll reach them.
As with every dream, they’re only if they are SMART: specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and timed. Those are all variables we will develop in training sessions and commit to via writing.
Writing down our desires is step one closer to making them a reality. It can also help us stay accountable. When you’ve outlined your SMART goal in writing, put it up somewhere you can see it for a further shot of motivation.
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