Half Moon Bay II Part II – Drug Smuggling Catholic Saints
Exodus 23:21 The morning dew covers the windows on a local dock diner that resonates with the decor of a surfer's pit stop. The aged wooden trim of the building gives it a piratical feel. A large wooden sign creeks showing
What is an Empath..? The Psychic Empath
…Today's read… An empath is a person who is affected by the energy of other people and has an intrinsic capacity to intuitively perceive and feel others. Unconsciously, our lives are influenced by others’ wishes, desires, moods and thoughts. However, more
Half Moon Bay II Part I – Drug Smuggling Catholic Saints
Luke 24 The moonlight hits St. James softly in the face lighting his way as he walks toward dock number 2311. Over at the dock, the boats are parted with the moonlight as it shines off the darkened water and moves
Psychic Impressions – Beginner’s Guide II
Psychic Impressions If you want to seriously enhance your psychic abilities, you need to first determine the most common and more importantly, the most powerful and efficient way you receive psychic impressions. As you can guess, every person has their own unique
Half Moon Bay Part I-2 – Drug Smuggling Catholic Saints
…Todays fiction… Proverbs 9:10 Rick gives a look of denial mixed with the confused exhilaration from staring down the barrel of a loaded handgun. Both of Rick's eyes are fixated on the dark center of the gun's barrel looking intently with his
15 Ways to Avoid Writer’s/Thinker’s Blосk
Wrіtеr'ѕ Blосk іѕ a mуth. There's nо ѕuсh thіng. Sее, writing is аn extension оf thinking. Sо, if you hеаr someone соmрlаіnіng аbоut hеr іnѕuffеrаblе "Writer's Blосk," what ѕhе'ѕ REALLY complaining about іѕ hеr "Thinker's Blосk." Bесаuѕе ѕhе'ѕ not asking enough ԛuеѕtіоnѕ. Because ѕhе'ѕ nоt
What is a Psychic – the beginning of your abilities…
From the top… To understand how you can increase your psychic abilities, you need to have a look at how physical sight works. If you ask people about how they see objects, you’re most likely to get the same answer –
Half Moon Bay Part I – Drug Smuggling Catholic Saints
Today's fiction… John 1:1 Surrounded by headstones in all directions, a small gathering of people has collected around a casket. At the road leading up to the headstones is a sign reading, “Chicago National Cemetery” nearby. Rick, 21-years-old, sits next to his